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From Sea to Shining Sea and Memories in Between

Christine Durling

Escorting passengers three times on Starr’s Cross Country tour has touched me with so many terrific memories. Of course, there were the famous landmarks beginning with the Gateway Arch in Missouri, the Grand Canyon in Arizona, Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, Old Faithful in Wyoming, and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Not to forget the Grand Teton Mountains, the Great Plains, the Sonoran and Mohave Deserts, Lake Tahoe and streams and waterfalls, and the Pacific Ocean.  Even with all of this beauty and wonder, I will never forget the in-between memories that were reflective of the passengers on the tour as well as the people I had met along the way.

One day after being on the road for a week, one of our passengers asked me if he could talk on the microphone for a few minutes. Not knowing what he was up to but thankful for a talking break, I quickly agreed.  Little did any of us know, he was observing our daily activities and would spend his evenings writing lyrics about some missteps— like someone leaving house keys in a hotel room, meeting up with a snowfall in Nevada in July, or being awakened in the middle of the night by a hotel fire alarm because someone got stuck in the elevator.  Not only did he sing the song but he accompanied himself with a portable cassette player—remember them? We laughed so hard and so long that he never had to ask for the microphone again.  He had a standing gig on the bus each week thereafter. We could hardly wait to hear what and who he was going to sing about next.

Food was always on our minds when traveling cross country.  Starting with satisfying hotel breakfasts to surprise snacks shared by our passengers.  It was not unusual for a bag of grapes to suddenly appear being passed up and down the aisle followed by a big bag of chocolate candies.  Then there was the box lunch in the middle of the Painted Desert in Arizona – not another vehicle in sight as we savored the solitude and the indescribable landscape.  Dinners ranged from fine dining menus to pizza delivered to hotel rooms.  One of my favorite food memories was our stay in Los Angeles.  Our hotel was across the street from Ralph’s Supermarket.  One of the passengers asked me what my dinner plans were for the evening.  I mentioned I was going over to Ralph’s for a roasted chicken and something from the salad bar.  She thought that was a swell idea and joined me by the pool.  There we were surrounded by California palm trees and digging in to our dinner with plastic knives and forks.  Fine dining— at least in our minds!


Probably the number one question I get about the cross country tour is “What about laundry?”

My view while walking to the laundromat

Starr has that figured to a “tee”! —pun intended.  Many of the hotels en route have laundry facilities on-site.  The passengers were great about taking turns doing their laundry to everyone’s satisfaction.  After 14 days on the road, I decided to do my laundry in San Francisco.  Unfortunately, for me, there were no on-site facilities.  Desperate times called for desperate measures.  So after a few directions from the front desk, I packed up my dirty laundry in a small suitcase and rolled my way up a couple of hills in San Francisco to the neighborhood laundromat humming, “I washed my socks in San Francisco. . .”  Being in the heart of this famous town, game me a bird’s eye view of its diversity when I met a young man from New Jersey who moved there a year ago for a job.  He was cleaning his apartment and doing his wash before his mom’s visit that weekend.  Then there was the girl with multiple tattoos who ran in and out checking on her stash in the dryer.  While waiting for my wash to be completed, an elderly Chinese gentleman wearing a large straw hat, asked me if I was from Australia?  Somewhat amused, and somewhat flattered, I asked him why he would think that.  He said, “because everyone that comes in here is from Australia.”   I had to chuckle because when I first arrived at the laundromat— a mother and daughter who helped me maneuver the money changer told me that they were on a three-week tour of the States – from Australia!

On our 26th and final day on the road and after traveling over 7,000 miles—yes, on a bus—yes, with the same people—a couple of our male passengers asked if they could say something to the group.  It came as no surprise that their comments brought tears to everyone’s eyes.  They, too, spoke about their memories that no guidebook could explain nor postcard could picture—those in-between memories!


I hope you one day have a chance to collect your own treasure trove of in-between memories on our wonderful Cross Country tour!
Christine Durling, Starr Tour Director

Mid-Atlantic Maritime Magic

My name is Jan Berger and I am one of the Tour Coordinators in Starr’s Tour Operations Department. Around this time of the year, my fellow Tour Coordinators and I are busy working on the itineraries and reservation details for the upcoming tour season. One of the new tours in my area of responsibility is the Mid-Atlantic Maritime Magic and I felt I just had to write about this great little get-away.

This little gem of a tour has so many wonderful attractions! The “magic” in the name of the tour is two-fold.  An actual magic show is the featured entertainment one evening; but to me, the magic is the delightful components of this three day tour.

Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum

The first day features maritime history with the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michael’s, MD. Established in 1965, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum is a world-class maritime museum dedicated to preserving and exploring the history, environment and people of the entire Chesapeake Bay, with the values of relevancy, authenticity, and stewardship guiding its mission. The museum’s campus includes a floating fleet of historic boats and 12 exhibition buildings. Its collection of Chesapeake Bay watercraft is the largest in existence numbering about 85 boats! The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum is the only museum devoted to interpreting the entire maritime region of the Bay. Overnight accommodations for this lovely vacation are located directly on the beach in Ocean City, Maryland where every room features a private balcony with ocean views!

O.C. Lifesaving Station exhibit

Get ready for another day filled with fun and fascination! The second day starts with the O.C. Life Saving Station. Housed in a beautifully restored building, the Station highlights exhibits concerning the history of the Life-Saving Service featuring aquariums, doll-house replicas of hotels that once lined the boardwalk, shipwreck artifacts, a mermaid collection, bathing suits from the past, and a Sand-From-Around-the-World exhibit.

street cafe, Berlin, MD

Next, embark on a tour of Assateague Island before enjoying lunch in the quaint, Victorian town of Berlin. Then, board “The Explorer” for an exciting eco-cruise around Assawoman Bay.  Learn about Ocean City’s Eco-system and wildlife while navigating the Ocean City fishing harbor and watch the fishing boats as they leave to get their daily catches. Each cruise features a professional naturalist and on-board touch tank so you can discover and learn firsthand about the unique coastal eco-system. Join in on the adventure as we actually land on Assateague Island! You’ll get hands on experience as you toss a net, hoist a crab pot,

Assateague Explorer

and learn all about the fascinating creatures we discover as our naturalist collects and identifies our catch. We’ll explore salt marshes, observe ospreys, pelicans and other unique marine birds; and, of course, no cruise is complete without viewing the famous Assateague Ponies! This may be just the thing you need for a fun, enjoyable learning experience during your stay in Ocean City. Later, get ready for a magical evening at Dicken’s Parlour Theatre where some of the world’s best magicians entertain and mystify audiences in an intimate 60 seat theatre. Afterwards, you’ll be treated to a special meet and greet with the performers who will delight with a few more magic tricks at each table!

On the last day you’ll visit the DiscoverSea Shipwreck Museum which houses an ever-changing exhibit featuring new artifacts as they are recovered from wrecks off of Delaware’s coast. The collection of shipwreck and recovered artifacts is one of the largest in the Mid-Atlantic and contains shipwreck artifacts both regional and worldwide.

Cape Henlopen Lighthouse

Finally, what would a visit to the coast be without lighthouses?  We will make two lighthouse visits for some great photo ops; the Fenwick Lighthouse, built in 1858, and the Delaware Breakwater, built in 1767 and also known as the Cape Henlopen Lighthouse. And what’s a vacation without shopping?  We can’t pass up a stop at the Tanger Outlets in Rehoboth Beach where we can pick up “a little something” for ourselves or that person we left at home!

Our departures are in early May (Aren’t you ready for a little sun and sand?), and early October (The crowds are gone but the weather should be perfect!) Come join us!


See you at the beach!
Jan Berger
Tour Services Specialist,
Starr Bus Charter and Tours


Photo Credits: Lee Cannon, and others courtesy of Assateague Explorer & Harrison Group

Motorcoach Safety Update

70th anniversary seal2017 marks Starr’s 70th year in business. As a second generation owner of Starr Bus Charter & Tours as well as the Strategic Safety Chairman for the American Bus Association (ABA), it is with great interest that I look ahead to the new motorcoach safety regulations which are put into place every year by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). I am always interested in how new regulations will move our industry forward and how, we at ABA, influence these regulations.

Throughout my 46 years in the motorcoach industry, I have been witness to the implementation of many new regulations by the various leaders of the U.S. Department of Transportation to improve motorcoach safety. Traditionally, as presidential administrations change, new department heads are appointed. Elaine Chao has been selected by the new administration to lead the U.S. DOT as Secretary of Transportation. Ms. Chao served as Deputy Secretary of Transportation under George H.W. Bush, and I expect Secretary Chao will take a hard look at existing motorcoach safety regulations in addition to new proposals put forth. I anticipate her approach and determination will be effective and practical to ensure riding on a motorcoach will be as safe as possible, and even safer than in the past.

Starr will continue to be a leader in safety and regulatory compliance as we manage our own fleet of coaches and highly trained Drivers. Starr will continue its philosophy of providing the highest level of safety, not only by its lawful operations, but resulting from the many proprietary safety programs we have put in place to help ensure our riders a safe and comfortable travel experience. The safety awards earned by Starr are evidence of our safe driving commitment in addition to our commitment to you, and our quest for new and improved operational policies and practices.

Safety Rating SealOur entire team at Starr is dedicated to continuously advance and look for new ways to increase the level of safety in our industry. Starr is proud to introduce on its two newest coaches additional L.E.D. turning signal lights. The additional lights will serve to increase the visibility of our coach to other motorists and pedestrians when it is making turns or changing lanes. The additional coach lighting is a safety idea that we at Starr suggested to our motorcoach manufacturer, Prevost. An idea we envisioned, will be adopted not just by Prevost, but by the other motorcoach manufacturers to create safer vehicles for their motorcoach customers.

Alan Glickman
Alan Glickman, CEO

We thank you for your loyalty and for the faith and trust you have placed in us.

Warmest regards,
Alan Glickman, CEO Starr Transit

Conquering The Arch

Conquering The Arch

As the Tour Director for the 26-day Cross Country By Bus tour, I have had the opportunity to experience the wonders of our great country along with our Starr guests and my partner, our Starr Driver.  At times, it was simply looking out the window of the coach and relishing in the sights of the Grand Teton Mountains in Wyoming, visiting the grandeur of the Hearst Castle in California, or standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon. However, none of these wonders, gave me the immeasurable thrill and anxiety like facing my fear of traveling 630 feet in a tiny tram car inside of a steel leg of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri!  

I had planned to never go up there!

Construction on the Arch began on February 12, 1963 and it was dedicated in 1968 to “The pioneer spirit of the men and women who won the West and those of a latter day to strive on the frontier.” It is the tallest stainless steel monument in the Western Hemisphere and, at 630 feet, is taller than the Seattle Space needle (605′), the Washington Monument (555′), and the Great Pyramid of Giza (455′).  Visitors to the Arch can conquer that dizzying height by traveling up one steel leg and down the other in a tiny (5 feet in diameter) tram car or “pod” that is specially designed to rotate 155 degrees as it travels along the curve of the Arch.

So, here I was, the leader of our group, encouraging and coaxing our wonderful passengers to see the 30-mile views across the Mississippi River, the state of Illinois, and the city of St. Louis.  Yet, after showing them the History Channel’s video, “St. Louis Arch,” which documents the design and construction of the Arch by Finnish architect, Eero Saarinen, I was no closer to joining my group in their journey up to the observation area at the top, which is just 65 feet long and 7 feet wide at the apex.

My plan was simple – escort the group across the park, distribute the tickets, bid them bon voyage and wait for them in the gift shop, an area located safely on the ground beneath the arch.

My anxiety stayed in check until a National Park Service Ranger told me that one of our passengers couldn’t make the long walk to the Arch and decided to sit on a bench outside.  With the help of a guard who brought along a wheelchair, we located the passenger and started to wheel her back to the bus when she announced, “Hey, you are going the wrong way, I want to go up the Arch!”  So, off we went to Tram Car #1 where we waited for the door to open. The fiesty passenger stepped in to the empty, egg-shaped, capsule and just as I started to wish her well she said, “Well, aren’t you coming?”  Yikes, here I was facing the exact dilemma I was trying to avoid!  Sympathy for her riding the 4 minutes to the top by herself took a grip on me and tossed me into the car.  The door was shut and off we went swinging in the car with the “click click click” just like a ferris wheel, as described in the movie.  The view from inside the car was not a view at all but the inside of the stainless steel leg which we could see from window cutouts in the door, exposing brick and stairs.  Our small talk helped speed us to the top where the door automatically opened and we were instructed to walk up a few steps to the observation deck.

The incredible view!

Then, there was the view—16 tiny windows worth! – for as far as we could see, just like the movie and brochures explained. I was grateful to not feel the allowance for the 18” sway in case of winds up to 150 mph! What I did feel was the embrace of my capsule seat mate who gave me a hug and thanked me for bringing her back to the Arch and riding to the top with her.  I returned the gesture and the gratitude. 

On the 3 minute ride down, I couldn’t help but think we were both pioneers— maybe not like the Westward Expansion pioneers, but pioneers just the same who conquered their fears and were rewarded with an experience of a lifetime.



Christine Durling, Starr Tour Director






Main Photo Credit Josh Hallett

Hanukkah Memories by Allison Berger

menorah-pixabay-max600x600Nearly every Jewish holiday can be summed up with the statement “They tried to get rid of us, they didn’t, so let’s eat” and Hanukkah is no exception! Hanukkah in the Jewish tradition is not at all about gifts. In truth, it’s a very minor holiday! Hanukkah is the story of a tribe of warriors rebelling against an oppressive tyrant and succeeding. It was a miracle that such a small group of warriors could triumph over a force much larger than their own. After their victory, the warriors returned to the Temple in Jerusalem and found there was only enough oil left to keep a lamp lit for a single day. The miracle of Hanukkah is that the oil continued to burn for eight whole days. Again, a story of how a small force was able to persevere for so long against the odds.

My favorite memories over the years are framed by how my family has celebrated. When I was little, my mom and dad would make latkes—which are freshly shredded potatoes made into pancakes and fried in oil (representing that same oil that lasted for eight days)—for dinner one of the nights. Nowadays, my sister has taken over latke duty using her special dreidel-shaped spatula, one of last year’s gifts. My grandmother and grandfather always send socks for the whole family, because who doesn’t love a pair of warm and fuzzy socks!

Shark Slippers!

Now, I did say that Hanukkah isn’t about exchanging gifts, but that doesn’t mean my family doesn’t partake in it! When you’re young, gift giving is all about surprise and excitement of trinkets and toys. My sister always does such a wonderful job of finding great gifts! For instance last year, after my Dad retired (for the first time) he had started to ride his bicycle more frequently, so she got him an electric tire pump. I think my sister’s cat, Diesel, took the award for best gift, though…he gave my sister a pair of oversized Shark slippers whose mouths open and close when she wiggles her toes.

And of course, every year while much of the world is celebrating Christmas, my family goes out for Chinese food or Sushi (along with most of my synagogue’s congregation) and then heads to the movie theater!

The Berger Family Ski Trip

You might even call Hanukkah a portable holiday. One year my whole family was skiing up in Vermont, and my parents packed a menorah, some gifts, and a stash of dreidels and chocolate coins and we celebrated in our hotel room after a long day of skiing. We’ve celebrated at relatives’ houses and with friends all across the country. The holidays are always sweeter when shared with others.


A tradition in my family is make donations to local charities on one of the nights of Hanukkah. Consider this holiday season making donations to your local soup kitchen, women’s shelter, Homefront, a National Park, or animal shelter. Your small contribution will make a big miracle in someone’s life!

No matter what you’re celebrating this time of the year, spend some time creating some cherished memories with the ones you love.

Happy Holidays from my family to yours!

Allison Berger,
Starr Receptionist